Dentistry is the branch of the healing arts and sciences devoted to maintaining the health of the teeth, gums and other hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity. A dentist is a scientist dedicated to the highest standards of health through the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases and conditions. The vast majority of dentists are in general practice (85%).
The American Dental Association currently recognizes nine dental specialties:
- Dental Public Health
- Endodontics
- Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
- Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
- Pediatric Dentistry
- Periodontics
- Prosthodontics
There are additional careers in the dental profession such as dental hygienist, dental lab technician, and many more. While the information contained on our page refers specifically to students who plan on applying to dental school to become a dentist, we are happy to meet with you to discuss alternate dental careers. As a starting point, the ADA has information on other careers in dentistry.
A great place for information about dental schools: American Dental Education Association Go Dental
CSU does not have a Dentistry Professional program. Health Professions Advisors work with any CSU student interested in pursuing a Dentistry program.
Dentist Occupational Outlook from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics
CSU Recommended Coursework
These courses are provided as GENERAL pre-requisites and may not represent a complete list of requirements. It is the student’s responsibility to check with each professional school in order to determine specific pre-requisites courses and equivalencies for each institution. | |
Requirement | Recommended CSU Course(s) |
General Biology, 2 semesters w/ lab | LIFE102 and LIFE 103 |
General Chemistry, 2 semesters w/ lab | CHEM111/112 and CHEM113/114 |
Organic Chemistry, 2 semesters w/ lab | CHEM 341 AND CHEM 343/4 |
General Physics, 2 semesters w/ lab | PH 121 and PH 122 or PH 141 and PH 142 |
Microbiology, 1 semester | MIP 300 (required at CU-Denver) |
Biochemistry, 1 semester | BC 351 (required at CU-Denver) |
English Composition, 1 semester | CO 150 |
Calculus, 1 semester | MATH 155 or MATH 160 |
Other recommended courses | BMS 300/302, BMS 301, MIP302, Advanced Composition, PSY100, Statistics, BMS450, BMS460, SPCM200 |
Programs and Preparation
Accredited Programs:
ADEA Dental School Map
ADA Find A Program
Colorado Programs:
University of Colorado Denver School of Dental Medicine